About Our Coven

Coven History
The Coven was founded in 2009 by Rev Thorian Shadowwalker. We have been an active member in the Pagan community with a history of being the longest standing coven in Colorado Springs. In 2022 High Priest Thorian has passed his torch of running the coven over to High Priest Dracuss. Dracuss has been Thorian's understudy, friend and Pagan brother for several years.
Our beliefs and paths
The Coven of the Five Elements is an eclectic based and family oriented coven. We hold no judgment as to what path and system of beliefs that you hold. We help those further themselves in a chosen path or help those find the path that is right for them.

Here are some of the services we provide not only to our members but to those in our community as well
Membership is free!
All services of the coven are free to members!
We provide house cleansing, blessings, Wiccianings for newborns and those under a year old, Tarot readings, Energy workings, Chakra work, Hand Fastings, Spiritual Counseling, Path guidance, Funeral/Burial rites and much more!
We offer classes in Colorado Springs, CO.
Come learn with us!